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Application for Membership

Please complete the attached application
Once the Rabbi approves the application, it will be presented to the Board for approval.
I, being a member of the Jewish Faith according to Halacha and having attained the age of eighteen years, hereby apply for Membership for myself / spouse / and my family of South Caulfield Hebrew Congregation, according to the provisions of the Constitution
This application for membership of the Congregation can be completed online on such form as prescribed from time to time by the Board. The application shall be sent to the Secretary for submission to the Board at its next ordinary meeting.
Upon submission of an application the Board shall be entitled to accept, reject or defer consideration of such application until such time and upon such terms as the Board may in its absolute discretion determine.
Once the Rabbi approves the application, it will be presented to the Board for approval.

Applicant 1 

Applicant 2

Children Details

Click on the + button to enter your children's details
(Town and Country)


Click on the + button to enter the details of deceased
please include applicant first and last name

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Sun, 19 January 2025 19 Teves 5785